Friday, April 24, 2020

Week 6: PE. & Health Activities (April 27th thru May 1st)

Hi Newfield Students & Families,

In addition to what we already sent home, and the activities previously posted on this P.E. Blog, here are some workouts to help you to get in your "moving minutes." Remember to e-mail us with any questions or modifications you may need. We are here to help you!

Grades K, 1 & 2:
Who loves Freeze Dance!!!?? Well, then you are in the right place!! Need a brain break? Need to get your energy out? This version of Freeze Dance will get you pumped up! Get your wiggles out with this wacky workout! Get ready to move and sweat ...but don't forget to FREEZE when the music stops!

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

(Source: Keith Hanson, Physical Education Teacher from California).

Grades K, 1 & 2:
Try your luck at playing this game. See how many different words you can create by filling in different missing letters. Don't forget that each letter you plug into the word has an exercise that goes with it!

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

(c/o Physical Education teacher Rob Pohlner (Maryland); Source: Phys.Ed.Review:

Grades K, 1, 2, 3: 
(older grades can try this to by making the exercises more challenging: add in your warm-up exercises that we perform in class!)

Have you ever made one of those paper fortune tellers? How about a Fitness Fortune Teller? Try this one out. If you have a printer, print out this Fitness Fortune Teller. Don't have a printer? No problem? All you will need is a blank sheet of paper and a pencil. Follow the directions on the activity below, and make your own. What kind of new fitness activities can YOU add? Make it your own! Challenge the people who live in your home to a Battle of Fitness using your new Fitness Fortune Teller!

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

What your finished Fitness Fortune Teller will look like:

How to play the Fitness Fortune Teller Challenge:

Grades 2, 3, 4 & 5:
If you have a set of UNO cards at home, try this family classic game of the card game UNO ...with a fun fitness twist!

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 
GRADES 3, 4 & 5:
Can you complete this fitness challenge? Begin by taking your resting heart rate. Remember, to find your pulse, use your first two fingers (index and middle finger together), and place them on the side of your neck - in that groove between your ear and your chin). If you are having difficulty finding your pulse, slowly and gently turn your head in the same direction as those two fingerpads which are resting on your neck. Set a timer for 6 seconds (or have someone in your home time you for 6 seconds). Count the beats you feel under your fingerpads in your head for those 6 seconds and then stop. Multiply whatever number you get by "10" (or the easy trick is to just add a "0" to whatever number you get. For example, if you felt "7" beats, your resting pulse would be "70." Keep your resting heart rate number in your head. Then, follow along with the video, and follow these instructions:
  • When the music starts, begin doing jumping jacks or running in place.
  • When you hear the word "Ghostbusters," complete 1 burpee.
  • Then, continue doing jumping jacks or running in place.
  • Repeat!
Could you keep up!?? Immediately upon completing the challenge, take your heart rate again. What do you notice? Did it go up or down? If your heart rate went up, that means you had a really good cardiovascular (heart) workout! Remember, when you are working out, you should be getting your exercising heart rate to 100 beats per minute or more.

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

(Source: Mike Morris, Open PhysEd)

Grades 3, 4 & 5:
Heads or Tails? Grab any coin that you have in your home. If you don't know where to look, just ask a grown-up living in your home if you can borrow a coin from them - and try this activity!

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

Grades K-5:
Did someone say B-I-N-G-O!?? See how many different ways YOU can get BINGO in this fun game! Try a different way to win BINGO for each day of the week!

*Students in Grades K, 1 & 2: Change the "Burpees" exercise to "Frog Jumps." If the number next to each exercise is too hard to do, only do half as many.

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

The importance of keeping a schedule and eating a healthy breakfast everyday...

Since we are all spending a lot of time in our homes, it's essential that we stay on a schedule with our schoolwork AND our meals! It's so important that you start with nutritious breakfast right at the start of your day!

Watch this short video from Ilaria St. Florian, MS, RD. Ilaria is affiliated with Stamford Hospital, and is the Manager of the KIDS' FANS nutrition program which is offered to our 3rd graders each year. She is graciously offering additional health lessons in the form of short videos to all of our students during our Distance Learning time.

Take the Healthy Breakfast Challenge! 

Remember to log your activities and minutes into your Weekly P.E. Activity & Health Log and submit it to Mrs. Spinner and Mrs. Iacono no later than 3:00 p.m. on Friday!

Click on here: Weekly Activity Log

NOTE: If the activity pictures/videos are not coming up large enough to view on your computer/tablet, just click on the three dots (right under the "x" at the top right hard of your screen). In this area, you will be given the option to "ZOOM" in and out to enlarge. If you are using your phone, simply pinch and zoom on the pictures to enlarge.

Mrs. Spinner or

Mrs. Iacono or

*Many of the materials (activities and lessons) being shared through our blog site are borrowed from fellow talented, creative and amazing physical educators all over the U.S.A. and the world. We are all collaborating and coming together globally to create the best possible Distance Learning environment for our students and school communities. When the source is available, it will be noted on either the shared material or captioned below.


T he scores wer e  EXTREMELY  close!! A round of applause goes out to  ALL  of our participants and their families for a  WONDERFUL  jo...