Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Week 4: P.E.& Health Activity Log (April 13th thru April 17th)

Hi Newfield Students and Families,

Every week, we will be posting your Weekly Physical Activity Log. The link below will take you to Week 4 (April 13th thru April 17th). We will also be posting a variety of activities on this blog that you can do to keep moving until we see you again at school! We will be mixing it up each week, so that your activities stays new, challenging and fun! Some exercises and activities will be in video form, and others in attachments for exercises you can read about and try at home. Don't forget ...you also have the hard copy of activities you can refer to that went home with you on Thursday, 3/12. 

At the end of each school week (every Friday by 3:00 p.m.), just make sure your Weekly P.E. Activity Log (link below) is completed. Mrs. Spinner and Mrs. Iacono will both receive notification when you submit each week.

Along with P.E. related content, we will also be posting Health activities. Try a little bit of everything, but make sure you keep moving! 

*No later than 8:15 a.m. each Monday morning, your new choice activities will be added to the P.E. blog. You will always have a new Weekly Physical Activity Log posted as well.

*All Students: In order to continue to build upon your fitness skills, please remember to include activities each week that include the following: curl-ups, push-ups, cardiovascular endurance, and sit & reach (also known as your "hug one knee" seated stretch). Remember that cardiovascular means an activity that is getting your heart rate up while increasing your stamina!

Please feel free to e-mail us if you have any questions or need any modifications for the activities and exercises. We are here to work with you (just from our homes instead of in the gym ...for now!)

Mrs. Spinner

Mrs. Iacono

Click on this link below to access your Week 4 Activity Log:
Week 4: P.E. & Health Activity Log (April 13th thru April 17th)

Friday, March 27, 2020

Week 3: P.E. & Health Activities (March 30th thru April 3rd)

Hi Newfield Students & Families,

In addition to what we already sent home, and the activities previously posted on this P.E. Blog, here are some workouts to help you to get in your "moving minutes." Remember to e-mail us with any questions or modifications you may need. We are here to help you!

This week, we will be offering a variety of activities to help improve upon bilateral coordination (that's a fancy word for working both sides of your body at the same time). We will also be offering some additional fitness games to ensure that all students in all grades are working on muscular strength and endurance and cardiovascular stamina (heart health).

Grades K-5:
If you have a balloon at home, here is a fun activity for you to try! Challenge yourself to perform these cool tricks! Can you do them all on your own? Can you think of any new ones? Try this activity with another person in your home. Challenge yourself to pass the balloon to another person by both bumping it off of the same body part! How many balloon bumps can you get in a row before someone makes a mistake?

Although it will be a bit more challenging, if you do not have a balloon at home, try this activity by using a rolled-up pair of socks. If needed, catch the sock-ball in-between each body part bump. See how many "sock bumps" you can before the sock-ball hits the ground. 

(Lower right-hand corner of the video offers you the option to make the video full-screen for optimal viewing).

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

*A special thank you to fellow Physical Education teacher, Jp Oosthuizen from Shanghai, China who shared his neat balloon activity video with us here at Newfield!

Grades K-5:
If you have sidewalk chalk in your toy bin or in your basement or garage, give this one a try. With your grown-up's permission first, make up your own fitness obstacle course on your driveway. Listen to your body, and take breaks and re-hydrate with water when you need it! 

Students in Grades 3, 4 & 5: Change the exercises up for the ultimate challenge. Be sure to check your heart rate as you go! (Remember: You want your exercising heart rate to be 100 bpm or higher in order to get an optimal cardiovascular workout). 

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

If you don't have sidewalk chalk, make up a pattern of exercises between a start and and finish line. For example: 


(Source: Stephanie Klaffke, Physical Education Teacher in Gilbert, Iowa)

Grades K-2:
Challenge yourself in this fitness letter find to spell your first name. Now try your middle name. Add your last name. Can you spell your entire name out (first, middle and last name) fitness style? Now try spelling out the names of other people who live in your home. How about your teacher's name? Neighbors and friend's names? Coaches names? How many different names can you spell out with fitness moves?

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

Grades K-2:
Try this game of 52 Card Pickup: Fitness Edition! If you don't have a deck of cards in your home, scroll down for a printable version of cards - or make your own!

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

Here is the link to a printable deck of cards:

Grades 3, 4 & 5:
Try this game of 52 Card Pickup: Fitness Edition! If you don't have a deck of cards in your home, scroll down for a printable version of cards - or make your own!

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

Here is the link to a printable deck of cards:

Grades 3, 4 & 5: 
For more activities and challenges this week, check out the other P.E. blog post entitled, "Grades 3, 4 & 5: Fitness 
B-I-N-G-O (Week 3: March 30th thru April 3rd)." 
We challenge to to complete a BLACKOUT B-I-N-G-O!! (This means that you complete all NINE box challenges! 
Are you up to the challenge???

K-5: Healthy At-Home Eating Challenge
This week, we challenge you to choose from a R-A-I-N-B-O-W of colors for meals and snacks! It isn't necessary to e-mail us your Weekly Rainbow Chart. However, we do encourage you to keep the chart going throughout this time you are engaged in distance learning with us. It will help remind you of nutritious and healthy foods that you should be eating everyday to power your mind and body.

Remember to log your activities and minutes into your Weekly P.E. Activity & Health Log - which is posted in the blog above for Week 3 (March 30th thru April 3rd). Please be sure your P.E. Activity & Health Log is submitted by Friday, April 3rd at 3:00 p.m.

NOTE: If the activity pictures/videos are not coming up large enough to view on your computer/tablet, just click on the three dots (right under the "x" at the top right hard of your screen). In this area, you will be given the option to "ZOOM" in and out to enlarge. If you are using your phone, simply pinch and zoom on the pictures to enlarge.

Mrs. Spinner
RSpinner@StamfordCT.gov or rspinner@stamfordpublicschools.org

Mrs. Iacono
EIacono@StamfordCT.gov or eiacono@stamfordpublicschools.org

*Many of the materials (activities and lessons) being shared through our blog site are borrowed from fellow talented, creative and amazing physical educators all over the U.S.A. and the world. We are all collaborating and coming together globally to create the best possible Distance Learning environment for our students and school communities. When the source is available, it will be noted on either the shared material or captioned below.

Week 3: Grades 3, 4 & 5 Fitness B-I-N-G-O (March 30th thru April 3rd)

*Many of the materials (activities and lessons) being shared through our blog site are borrowed from fellow talented, creative and amazing physical educators all over the U.S.A. and the world. We are all collaborating and coming together globally to create the best possible Distance Learning environment for our students and school communities. When the source is available, it will be noted on either the shared material or captioned below.

Week 3: P.E & Health Activity Log (March 30th thru April 3rd)

Hi Newfield Students and Families,

Every week, we will be posting your Weekly Physical Activity Log. The link below will take you to Week 3 (March 30th thru April 3rd). We will also be posting a variety of activities on this blog that you can do to keep moving until we see you again at school! We will be mixing it up each week, so that your activities stays new, challenging and fun! Some exercises and activities will be in video form, and others in attachments for exercises you can read about and try at home. Don't forget ...you also have the hard copy of activities you can refer to that went home with you on Thursday, 3/12. 

At the end of each school week (every Friday by 3:00 p.m.), just make sure your Weekly P.E. Activity Log (link below) is completed. Mrs. Spinner and Mrs. Iacono will both receive notification when you submit each week.

Along with P.E. related content, we will also be posting Health activities. Try a little bit of everything, but make sure you keep moving! 

*No later than 8:15 a.m. each Monday morning, your new choice activities will be added to the P.E. blog. You will always have a new Weekly Physical Activity Log posted as well.

*All Students: In order to continue to build upon your fitness skills, please remember to include activities each week that include the following: curl-ups, push-ups, cardiovascular endurance, and sit & reach (also known as your "hug one knee" seated stretch). Remember that cardiovascular means an activity that is getting your heart rate up while increasing your stamina!

Please feel free to e-mail us if you have any questions or need any modifications for the activities and exercises. We are here to work with you (just from our homes instead of in the gym ...for now!)

Mrs. Spinner

Mrs. Iacono

Click on this link below to access your Week 3 Activity Log:
Week 3: P.E. & Health Activity Log (March 30th thru April 3rd)

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Week 2: P.E. Activity & Health Log (March 23rd thru March 27th)

Hi Newfield Students and Families,

Every week, we will be posting your Weekly Physical Activity Log. The link below will take you to Week 2 (March 23rd thru March 27th). We will also be posting a variety of activities on this blog that you can do to keep moving until we see you again at school! We will be mixing it up each week, so that your activities stays new, challenging and fun! Some exercises and activities will be in video form, and others in attachments for exercises you can read about and try at home. Don't forget ...you also have the hard copy of activities you can refer to that went home with you on Thursday, 3/12. 

At the end of each school week (every Friday by 3:00 p.m.), just make sure your Weekly P.E. Activity Log (link below) is completed. Mrs. Spinner and Mrs. Iacono will both receive notification when you submit each week.

Along with P.E. related content, we will also be posting Health activities. Try a little bit of everything, but make sure you keep moving! 

*No later than 8:15 a.m. each Monday morning, your new choice activities will be added to the P.E. blog. You will always have a new Weekly Physical Activity Log posted as well.

*All Students: In order to continue to build upon your fitness skills, please remember to include activities each week that include the following: curl-ups, push-ups, cardiovascular endurance, and sit & reach (also known as your "hug one knee" seated stretch). Remember that cardiovascular means an activity that is getting your heart rate up while increasing your stamina!

Please feel free to e-mail us if you have any questions or need any modifications for the activities and exercises. We are here to work with you (just from our homes instead of in the gym ...for now!)

Mrs. Spinner

Mrs. Iacono

Click on this link below to access your Week 2 Activity Log:
Week 2: P.E. Activity & Health Log (March 23rd thru March 27th)

Week 2: Germs Experiment - CHECK THIS OUT! (March 23rd thru March 27th)

Have you ever wondered why all the grown-ups keep telling you to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds? Check out this super cool experiment that shows you what happens when GERMS come in contact with SOAP & WATER!

*If you want to try this experiment at home, please ask your grown-up for permission first!

Be sure to complete your Week 2: P.E. Activity & Health Log (March 23rd thru March 27th) by Friday, March 27th at 3 p.m. There is a section of questions on the bottom of the Google form for you to answer about this experiment!

Week 2: P.E. & Health Activity Log

Friday, March 20, 2020

Week 2: P.E.& Health Activities (March 23rd thru March 27th)

Dear Newfield Students & Families,

In addition to what we already sent home, and the activities previously posted on this P.E. Blog, here are some workouts to help you to get in your "moving minutes." Remember to e-mail us with any questions or modifications you may need. We are here to help you!

This week, we will be focusing on Yoga. Yoga is good for the mind, body, and heart. It's also excellent for relaxation, all while improving your strength, coordination, and flexibility. Best of all, you don't need anything except some good personal space! Did you know that LeBron James, Shaquille O’Neil, Sean Burke, and Tom Brady all do Yoga?!! (Just to name a few).

Check this video link out and try some yoga!
Trolls: A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!
Trolls: Yoga Para Ninos (Spanish)

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

Grades 1 & 2:
Check this video link out and try some yoga!
Yoga for Kids

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

Grades 3, 4 & 5:
Check this video link out and try some yoga!
Yoga for Beginners: Yoga Ed.

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

Grades K-5:
As you already know, our objective each and every P.E. class is for your to get your heart rate up to help keep your body heart healthy. Try these new exercises below and see which ones get your heart rate to go up, and which ones help to cool you down. Now, let's compare and contrast. THINK ABOUT IT?  Can you recall other exercises from last week's P.E. activities which made your heart rate increase (go up)? Remember, when you do physical activities which increase your heart rate, that's great exercise for your heart - which is called cardiovascular exercise. Can you find other exercises from last week's P.E. activities which make your heart rate decrease (go down)? Try these out!

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 


Grades K & 1:
Find some good personal space, and give this a try!

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 
GRADES 2, 3, 4 & 5:
Find some good personal space, and give this a try! If you don't have dice at home, keep scrolling and click on the link underneath this Superhero Dice Fitness game. It will show you how to make a pair of dice using paper and markers (SO cool!) There is also a printable dice posted. If you chose the printable option, just be sure to print out two dice so that you have a set. 

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 
Here's the link for how to make a pair of dice:

Remember to log your activities and minutes into your Weekly P.E, Activity & Health Log - which is posted in the blog above for Week 2 (March 23rd thru March 27th). Please be sure your P.E. Activity & Health Log is submitted by Friday, March 27th at 3:00 p.m.

NOTE: If the activity pictures/videos are not coming up large enough to view on your computer/tablet, just click on the three dots (right under the "x" at the top right hard of your screen). In this area, you will be given the option to "ZOOM" in and out to enlarge. If you are using your phone, simply pinch and zoom on the pictures to enlarge.

Mrs. Spinner
RSpinner@StamfordCT.gov or rspinner@stamfordpublicschools.org

Mrs. Iacono
EIacono@StamfordCT.gov or eiacono@stamfordpublicschools.org

*Many of the materials (activities and lessons) being shared through our blog site are borrowed from fellow talented, creative and amazing physical educators all over the U.S.A. and the world. We are all collaborating and coming together globally to create the best possible Distance Learning environment for our students and school communities. When the source is available, it will be noted on either the shared material or captioned below.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Keep Moving Newfield!!!

Hi Newfield Students & Families,

In case you didn't see it yet, check this out!! Huge shout-out to Mrs. Saba-Price & Mrs. Longo as they remind you to KEEP MOVING!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Week 1: P.E. Activity Log (March 16th thru March 20th)

Hi Newfield Students and Families,

Every week, we will be posting your Weekly Physical Activity Log. The link below will take you to Week 1 (March 16th thru March 20th). We will also be posting a variety of activities on this blog that you can do to keep moving until we see you again at school! We will be mixing it up each week, so that your activities stays new, challenging and fun! Some exercises and activities will be in video form, and others in attachments for exercises you can read about and try at home. Don't forget ...you also have the hard copy of activities you can refer to that went home with you on Thursday, 3/12. 

At the end of each school week (every Friday by 3:00 p.m.), just make sure your Weekly P.E. Activity Log (link below) is completed. Mrs. Spinner and Mrs. Iacono will both receive notification when you submit each week.

Along with P.E. related content, we will also be posting Health activities. Try a little bit of everything, but make sure you keep moving! 

*No later than 8:15 a.m. each Monday morning, your new choice activities will be added to the P.E. blog. You will always have a new Weekly Physical Activity Log posted as well.

*All Students: In order to continue to build upon your fitness skills, please remember to include activities each week that include the following: curl-ups, push-ups, cardiovascular endurance, and sit & reach (also known as your "hug one knee" seated stretch). Remember that cardiovascular means an activity that is getting your heart rate up while increasing your stamina!

Please feel free to e-mail us if you have any questions or need any modifications for the activities and exercises. We are here to work with you (just from our homes instead of in the gym ...for now!)

Mrs. Spinner

Mrs. Iacono

Click on this link below to access your Week 1 Activity Log:

Week 1 P.E. Activities (March 16th thru March 20th)

Dear Newfield Students & Families,

In addition to what we already sent home to help you get started, here are some workouts to guide you to get in your "moving minutes." Remember to e-mail us with any questions or modifications you may need. We are here to help you!

Remember to log your activities and minutes into your Weekly P.E. Activity Log - which is posted in the blog above for Week 1 (March 16th thru March 20th). Please be sure your P.E. Activity Log is submitted by Friday, March 20th at 3:00 p.m.

NOTE: If the activity pictures/videos are not coming up large enough to view on your computer/tablet, just click on the three dots (right under the "x" at the top right hard of your screen). In this area, you will be given the option to "ZOOM" in and out to enlarge. If you are using your phone, simply pinch and zoom on the pictures to enlarge.

Mrs. Spinner
RSpinner@StamfordCT.gov or rspinner@stamfordpublicschools.org

Mrs. Iacono
EIacono@StamfordCT.gov or eiacono@stamfordpublicschools.org

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

*Many of the materials (activities and lessons) being shared through our blog site are borrowed from fellow talented, creative and amazing physical educators all over the U.S.A. and the world. We are all collaborating and coming together globally to create the best possible Distance Learning environment for our students and school communities. When the source is available, it will be noted on either the shared material or captioned below.  

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Newfield Elementary School - Physical Education & Health - GRADES 3, 4 & 5

Dear Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade Families,

Please make sure your child is choosing healthy foods and eating a rainbow of colors. Remember, give fruits or vegetables per day, 60 minutes of exercise per day, and water is the best beverage. Get plenty of rest, and wash your hands with soap and water to keep your body healthy.

Please have your child choose three of the following activities to complete as their P.E. requirement on a weekly basis. Remember to wear sneakers that zip, tie or Velcro when exercising. Please help your child to find a safe space in your home to perform these exercises. Remember to check your heart rate by using your fingerpads. Ask a grown up to help time you for six seconds as you count the beats that you feel under your fingers. Take whatever number you get and multiply it by 10 (remember - just add a zero). You now have your heart rate. Check your heart rate before, during and after each activity to see how it changes. Notice which activities help to work your heart out, and which ones cool your body down. Listen to your body, take breaks, and drink lots of water.
  • Practice your sit & reach stretch (hug one knee ...up & down 1, up & down 2, up & down hold). Hold for 20 seconds, switch legs. Remember: keep your leg straight, toe to the ceiling.
  • Jog in place. Challenge someone in your home to see who can jog the longest. Remember to keep a good pace so that you can sustain your jog and maintain stamina.
  • Challenge yourself by performing the "fire feet" exercise (running in place as fast as you can, while maintaining high knees).
  • Do some mountain climbers: start in push-up position and bend one knee. The other knee is straight with that leg behind you. Jump and switch so that the bent knee is straight and the straight knee is bent. Keep switching to get your heart rate up.
  • Practice your push-ups and curl-ups. If you have access to the internet, use the following link to remind yourself of the proper form and cadence. Curl-up and Push-up Cadence 
  • Practice your planking. Challenge someone in your home to a planking contest. Reminder: You can do push-up planks (hold your body in the "up" push-up position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your elbows bent at a 90 degree angle, and toes on the floor). You can even do traditional planks (fist-fist-elbow-elbow-toes. Remember to keep your stomach up and bottom down). Stop if you feel your body is not straight.
  • For core strengthening, practice Elbow Touches: sit on the floor with knees bent, slightly lift feet off of the floor, twist your torso and gently touch your elbows side to side on the floor. Floor Bicycle: bend your knees and ride an imaginary bicycle keeping your back on the floor. Remember to make small circular motions.
  • If you have a jump rope at home, practice jumping rope in good personal space. If you don't have a jump rope at home, do invisible jump rope. Challenge yourself and see how long you can jump without stopping. Remember the jumping cues we have learned: straight body (like a lollipop), low jumps, and soft landing (like you're landing on a cloud).
  • If you have a soft ball at your home, and your grown up allows, have a catch with a family member within your home. Every time you catch the ball, name a "GO" food. You have 3 seconds to name a "GO" food. If you cannot think of one or it's in the wrong category, the other person gets a point. Repeat with "SLOW" and "WHOA" foods. Reminder: "GO" foods come from the earth, real food, no processing (i.e.: banana, potato, apple, carrot, tomato, etc.). "SLOW" foods have ingredients that you can pronounce (i.e.: peanut butter, 100% fruit juice, 2% low-fat milk). "WHOA" foods have more than 8 grams of sugar, are high in fat, sugar and/or salt, with ingredients that you cannot pronounce or have in your pantry (i.e.: pizza, ice cream, soda). You can also play this game by naming the different food groups (Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Proteins, and Dairy).
  • If you have access to the internet, go to Go Noodle and challenge yourself to some dances. Put on some music and dance.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon!
Mrs. Spinner & Mrs. Iacono

Newfield Elementary School - Physical Education & Health - GRADES 1 & 2

Dear First and Second Grade Families,

Please make sure your child is choosing healthy foods and eating a rainbow of colors. Remember, give fruits or vegetables per day, 60 minutes of exercise per day, and water is the best beverage. Get plenty of rest, and wash your hands with soap and water to keep your body healthy.

Please have your child choose three of the following activities to complete as their P.E. requirement on a weekly basis. Remember to wear sneakers that zip, tie or Velcro when exercising. Please help your child to find a safe space in your home to perform these exercises. Try checking your heart rate before, during and after each activity. Check your heart rate by placing a hand over your heart. Use the other hands to show how fast your heart is beating. Listen to your body, take breaks, and drinks lots of water.
  • Jog in place. Challenge a family member in your home to see who can jog the longest. Remember to keep a good pace while you jog in place, so that you can sustain your jog and keep good stamina. 
  • Challenge yourself by performing the "fire feet" exercise (running in place as fast as you can, while maintaining high knees).
  • Practice our sit & reach stretch (hug one knee ...up and down 1, up and down 2, up and down hold). Hold for 20 seconds. Then switch legs. Remember to keep your leg straight and toe pointed up at the ceiling.
  • Practice your curl-ups (sitting all the way up, without using your elbows to help you sit up).
  • Practice your ABC push-ups (hands directly under your shoulders, feet together, touching your opposite shoulder without swaying your body side to side).
  • Practice wall push-ups (start at a wall with your hands directly under your shoulders, feet together, straight body and straight elbows. The only part of your body that moves are your elbows).
  • Practice your push-ups. Keep your back straight as you try to bend your elbows only to move your body up and down.
  • Practice your planking. Challenge your grown up for family member in your home to a planking contest (fist-fist-elbow-elbow-toes. Remember to keep your stomach up and bottom down). Stop if you feel your body is not straight.
  • If you have a jump rope at home, practice jumping rope in good personal space. If you don't have a jump rope, do invisible jump rope. Challenge yourself and see how long you can jump without stopping. If you have a jump rope at home, you can also make a line or a circle shape with your jump rope on the ground. If you have a large hula hoop at home, you can use a hula hoop the same as a jump rope (holding the hula hoop with tow hands at the top, swinging it over your body and jumping as it moves toward the ground). Remember the jumping cues we have learned: straight body (like a lollipop), low jumps, and soft landing (like you're landing on a cloud).
  • If you have a soft ball at your home, and your grown up allows it, have a catch with a family member within your home. The person who throws the ball has to name a food. The person who catches it has to say if that food is healthy or unhealthy. You get one point for every catch you make and one point for every food you guess correctly (healthy or unhealthy).
  • Put some music on and dance. Play freeze dance with a family member in your home.
  • If you have access to the internet, go to Go Noodle and challenge yourself to some dances.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon!
-Mrs. Spinner & Mrs. Iacono

Newfield Elementary School - Physical Education & Health - KINDERGARTEN

Dear Kindergarten Families,

Please make sure your child is choosing healthy foods and eating a rainbow of colors. Remember, five fruits or vegetables per day, 60 minutes of exercise per day, and water is the best beverage. Get plenty of rest, and wash your hands with soap and water to keep your body healthy.

Please have your child choose three of the following activities to complete as their P.E. requirement on a weekly basis. Remember to wear sneakers that zip, tie or Velcro when exercising. Please help your child to find a safe space in your home to perform these exercises. Try checking your heart rate before, during and after each activity. Check your heart rate by placing a hand over your heart. Use the other hand to show how fast your heart is beating. Listen to your body, take breaks, and drink lots of water.
  • Practice you "good morning and goodnight" core strengthening exercise (lie down on your back on the floor. Bend your knees, keeping your feet on the floor. When you say "good morning!" sit up while trying to keep your heels on the floor. To really challenge yourself, try not to use your elbows to help you sit up. When you say "goodnight!" lie back down on your back and rest.
  • Jog in place. Challenge a family member in your home to see who can jog the longest. Remember to keep a good pace while you jog in place, so that you can sustain your jog and keep good stamina.
  • Practice your ABC push-ups (hands directly under your shoulders, feet together, touching your opposite shoulder without swaying your body side to side).
  • Practice wall push-ups (start at a wall with your hands directly under your shoulders, feet together, straight body and straight elbows. The only part of your body that moves are your elbows).
  • If you have a jump rope, practice jumping rope in good personal space. If you don't have a jump rope, do invisible jump rope. Challenge yourself and see how long you can jump without stopping. If you have a jump rope at home, you can also make a line or a circle shape with your jump rope on the ground. Practice jumping in and out of the circle, or side to side if you've made a line with your jump rope. If you have a large hula hoop at home, you can use a hula hoop the same as a jump rope (holding the hula hoop with two hands at the top, swinging it over your body and jumping as it moves toward the ground). Remember the jumping cues we have learned: straight body (like a lollipop), low jumps, and soft landing (like you're landing on a cloud).
  • Put some music on and dance. Play freeze dance with a family member in your home.
  • If you have access to the internet, go to Go Noodle and challenge yourself to some dances.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon!
-Mrs. Spinner & Mrs. Iacono


Escuela Primaria Newfield EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA
Sra. Spinner y Sra. Iacono
Estimadas familias de tercer, cuarto y quinto grado,
 Asegúrese de que su hijo elija alimentos saludables y coma un arco iris de colores. Recuerde, cinco frutas o vegetales por día, 60 minutos de ejercicio por día, y el agua es la mejor bebida. Descanse lo suficiente y lávese las manos con agua y jabón para mantener su cuerpo saludable.
Haga que su hijo elija tres de las siguientes actividades para completar como su P.E. requisito semanal Recuerde usar zapatillas con cremallera, corbata o velcro cuando haga ejercicio. Ayude a su hijo a encontrar un espacio seguro en su hogar para realizar estos ejercicios. Recuerde verificar su ritmo cardíaco usando sus dos primeros dedos y colocándolos a un lado de su cuello. Siente los latidos debajo de tus almohadillas. Pídale a un adulto que lo ayude a cronometrar durante seis segundos mientras cuenta los latidos que siente bajo sus dedos. Tome el número que obtenga y multiplíquelo por 10 (recuerde, simplemente agregue un cero). Ahora tienes tu ritmo cardíaco. Verifique su ritmo cardíaco antes, durante y después de cada actividad para ver cómo cambia. Observe qué actividades ayudan a ejercitar su corazón y cuáles refrescan su cuerpo. Escuche a su cuerpo, tome descansos y beba mucha agua.

• Practique su estiramiento de sentarse y alcanzar (abrazar una rodilla ... arriba y abajo 1, arriba y abajo 2, arriba y abajo). Mantenga durante 20 segundos, cambie de pierna. Recuerde: mantenga la pierna recta, desde el pie hasta el techo.
• Trotar en su lugar. Desafíe a alguien en su hogar para ver quién puede correr más tiempo. Recuerde mantener un buen ritmo para que pueda mantener su carrera y mantener la resistencia. • Desafíate a ti mismo realizando el ejercicio "pies de fuego" (corriendo en el lugar lo más rápido que puedas, mientras mantienes las rodillas altas).
• Haga algunos alpinistas: comience en posición de flexión y doble una rodilla. La otra rodilla está recta con esa pierna detrás de ti. Salta y cambia para que la rodilla doblada esté recta y la rodilla recta esté doblada. Sigue cambiando para aumentar tu frecuencia cardíaca.
• Practique sus flexiones y flexiones. Si tiene acceso a Internet, use el siguiente enlace para recordar la forma y la cadencia adecuadas. https://portal.ct.gov/SDE/Physical-Education/Physical-Education---Test-Administrators-Manual/Related-Resources
• Practique su tablaje. Desafíe a alguien en su casa a un concurso de tablas. Recordatorio: puede hacer tablas de flexión (mantenga su cuerpo en la posición de flexión "hacia arriba" con las manos directamente debajo de los hombros y los dedos de los pies en el piso. Recuerde mantener los codos rectos). Puede probar los tablones de empuje hacia abajo (sostenga su cuerpo en la posición de empuje hacia abajo con las manos directamente debajo de los hombros y los codos doblados en un ángulo de 90 grados, y los dedos de los pies en el piso). Incluso puedes hacer tablas tradicionales (puño-puño-codo-codo-dedos de los pies. Recuerda mantener el estómago hacia arriba y hacia abajo). Detente si sientes que tu cuerpo no es recto.
• Para fortalecer el núcleo, practique los toques del codo: siéntese en el piso con las rodillas dobladas, levante ligeramente los pies del piso, gire el torso y toque suavemente los codos de lado a lado en el piso. Bicicleta de piso: dobla las rodillas y monta una bicicleta imaginaria manteniendo la espalda en el piso. Recuerde hacer pequeños movimientos circulares.
Si tienes una cuerda para saltar en casa, practica saltar la cuerda en un buen espacio personal. Si no tienes una cuerda para saltar, haz una cuerda para saltar invisible. Ponte a prueba y observa cuánto tiempo puedes saltar sin parar. Recuerde las señales de salto que hemos aprendido: cuerpo recto (como una piruleta), saltos bajos y aterrizaje suave (como si estuviera aterrizando en una nube).
• Si tiene una pelota blanda en su hogar y su adulto lo permite, póngase al día con un miembro de la familia dentro de su hogar. Cada vez que atrapes la pelota, nombra un alimento "GO". Tienes 3 segundos para nombrar un alimento "GO". Si no puede pensar en uno o está en la categoría incorrecta, la otra persona obtiene un punto. Repita con los alimentos "SLOW" y "WHOA". Recordatorio: los alimentos "GO" provienen de la tierra, alimentos reales, sin procesamiento (es decir: plátano, papa, manzana, zanahoria, tomate, etc.). Los alimentos "LENTOS" han sido ligeramente alterados de su forma original, tienen menos de 8 gramos de azúcar y tienen ingredientes que puede pronunciar (es decir, mantequilla de maní, jugo 100% de fruta, leche baja en grasa 2%). Los alimentos "WHOA" tienen más de 8 gramos de azúcar, son altos en grasa, azúcar y / o sal, con ingredientes que no puede pronunciar o tener en su despensa. (es decir: pizza, helado, refresco). También puedes jugar a este juego nombrando los diferentes grupos de alimentos (frutas, verduras, granos, proteínas y lácteos).
• Si tiene acceso a Internet, vaya a www.gonoodle.com y desafíese con algunos bailes. Pon algo de música y baile.


Escuela Primaria Newfield EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA
Sra. Spinner y Sra. Iacono
Estimadas familias de primer y segundo grado,

Asegúrese de que su hijo elija alimentos saludables y coma un arco iris de colores. Recuerde, cinco frutas o vegetales por día, 60 minutos de ejercicio por día, y el agua es la mejor bebida. Descanse lo suficiente y lávese las manos con agua y jabón para mantener su cuerpo saludable.

Haga que su hijo elija tres de las siguientes actividades para completar como su P.E. requisito semanal Recuerde usar zapatillas con cremallera, corbata o velcro cuando haga ejercicio. Ayude a su hijo a encontrar un espacio seguro en su hogar para realizar estos ejercicios. Intente controlar su ritmo cardíaco antes, durante y después de cada actividad. Verifique su ritmo cardíaco colocando una mano sobre su corazón. Usa la otra mano para mostrar qué tan rápido late tu corazón. Escuche a su cuerpo, tome descansos y beba mucha agua.

• Trotar en su lugar. Desafíe a un miembro de su familia en su hogar para ver quién puede correr más tiempo. Recuerda mantenga un buen ritmo mientras trota en el lugar, para que pueda mantener su trote y mantener una buena resistencia.
• Desafíate a ti mismo realizando el ejercicio "pies de fuego" (corriendo en el lugar lo más rápido que puedas, mientras mantener las rodillas altas).
• Practique su estiramiento de sentarse y alcanzar (abrace una rodilla ... arriba y abajo 1, arriba y abajo 2, arriba y abajo). Sostenga por 20 segundos. Luego cambia de pierna. Recuerde mantener la pierna recta y el dedo del pie apuntando hacia arriba techo.
• Practica tus flexiones (sentándote completamente, sin usar los codos para ayudarte a sentarte).
• Practique sus flexiones ABC (manos directamente debajo de sus hombros, pies juntos, tocando su hombro opuesto sin balancear su cuerpo de lado a lado).
• Practique las flexiones de pared (comience en una pared con las manos directamente debajo de los hombros, los pies juntos, cuerpo recto y codos rectos. La única parte de tu cuerpo que se mueve son los codos).
• Practica tus flexiones. Mantenga la espalda recta mientras intenta doblar los codos solo para mover cuerpo arriba y abajo.
• Practique su tablaje. Desafíe a su adulto o familiar en su hogar a una tablaje
        concurso (puño-puño-codo-codo-dedos de los pies. Recuerde mantener el estómago hacia arriba y hacia abajo). Detente si
        sientes que tu cuerpo no es recto.
• Si tienes una cuerda para saltar en casa, practica saltar la cuerda en un buen espacio personal. Si no tienes un
        saltar la cuerda, hacer saltar la cuerda invisible. Ponte a prueba y mira cuánto tiempo puedes saltar sin
parada. Si tienes una cuerda para saltar en casa, también puedes hacer una línea o una forma circular con tu cuerda para saltar en el suelo. Practica saltar dentro y fuera del círculo, o de lado a lado si has hecho una línea con tu cuerda de saltar. Si tienes un hula hoop grande en casa, puedes usar un hula hoop igual a una cuerda para saltar (sosteniendo el hula hoop con dos manos en la parte superior, balanceándolo sobre tu cuerpo y saltando mientras se mueve hacia el suelo). Recuerde las señales de salto que hemos aprendido: cuerpo recto (como una piruleta), saltos bajos y aterrizaje suave (como si estuviera aterrizando en una nube).
• Si tiene una pelota blanda en su casa y su adulto lo permite, póngase al día con un miembro de la familia.
        dentro de tu casa. La persona que lanza la pelota tiene que nombrar un alimento. La persona que lo atrapa
        tiene que decir si esa comida es saludable o no saludable. Obtienes un punto por cada captura que haces y una
        señale por cada alimento que adivine correctamente (saludable o no).
• Pon música y baila. Juega al baile congelado con un miembro de tu familia en tu casa.
• Si tiene acceso a Internet, vaya a www.gonoodle.com y desafíese con algunos bailes.


T he scores wer e  EXTREMELY  close!! A round of applause goes out to  ALL  of our participants and their families for a  WONDERFUL  jo...