Friday, March 20, 2020

Week 2: P.E.& Health Activities (March 23rd thru March 27th)

Dear Newfield Students & Families,

In addition to what we already sent home, and the activities previously posted on this P.E. Blog, here are some workouts to help you to get in your "moving minutes." Remember to e-mail us with any questions or modifications you may need. We are here to help you!

This week, we will be focusing on Yoga. Yoga is good for the mind, body, and heart. It's also excellent for relaxation, all while improving your strength, coordination, and flexibility. Best of all, you don't need anything except some good personal space! Did you know that LeBron James, Shaquille O’Neil, Sean Burke, and Tom Brady all do Yoga?!! (Just to name a few).

Check this video link out and try some yoga!
Trolls: A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!
Trolls: Yoga Para Ninos (Spanish)

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

Grades 1 & 2:
Check this video link out and try some yoga!
Yoga for Kids

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

Grades 3, 4 & 5:
Check this video link out and try some yoga!
Yoga for Beginners: Yoga Ed.

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 

Grades K-5:
As you already know, our objective each and every P.E. class is for your to get your heart rate up to help keep your body heart healthy. Try these new exercises below and see which ones get your heart rate to go up, and which ones help to cool you down. Now, let's compare and contrast. THINK ABOUT IT?  Can you recall other exercises from last week's P.E. activities which made your heart rate increase (go up)? Remember, when you do physical activities which increase your heart rate, that's great exercise for your heart - which is called cardiovascular exercise. Can you find other exercises from last week's P.E. activities which make your heart rate decrease (go down)? Try these out!

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 


Grades K & 1:
Find some good personal space, and give this a try!

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 
GRADES 2, 3, 4 & 5:
Find some good personal space, and give this a try! If you don't have dice at home, keep scrolling and click on the link underneath this Superhero Dice Fitness game. It will show you how to make a pair of dice using paper and markers (SO cool!) There is also a printable dice posted. If you chose the printable option, just be sure to print out two dice so that you have a set. 

Be sure to have your water bottle handy! Listen to your body and take breaks and drink water when you need it. 
Here's the link for how to make a pair of dice:

Remember to log your activities and minutes into your Weekly P.E, Activity & Health Log - which is posted in the blog above for Week 2 (March 23rd thru March 27th). Please be sure your P.E. Activity & Health Log is submitted by Friday, March 27th at 3:00 p.m.

NOTE: If the activity pictures/videos are not coming up large enough to view on your computer/tablet, just click on the three dots (right under the "x" at the top right hard of your screen). In this area, you will be given the option to "ZOOM" in and out to enlarge. If you are using your phone, simply pinch and zoom on the pictures to enlarge.

Mrs. Spinner or

Mrs. Iacono or

*Many of the materials (activities and lessons) being shared through our blog site are borrowed from fellow talented, creative and amazing physical educators all over the U.S.A. and the world. We are all collaborating and coming together globally to create the best possible Distance Learning environment for our students and school communities. When the source is available, it will be noted on either the shared material or captioned below.

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T he scores wer e  EXTREMELY  close!! A round of applause goes out to  ALL  of our participants and their families for a  WONDERFUL  jo...